Take a quick break from the world and de-stress with ear acupuncture. Options include traditional auricular therapy, the NADA protocol and Battlefield Acupuncture.

Ear acupuncture has a wide range of applications. It has been shown to be effective in treating conditions such as:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Acute & Chronic Pain
  • Insomnia
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Digestive issues
  • Allergies
  • PTSD and emotional trauma
  • Smoking cessation

Its versatility and ability to address both physical and emotional concerns make ear acupuncture a great addition to a holistic health plan.


NADA Protocol

Addiction Recovery

The NADA protocol is particularly effective for addiction recovery, helping people manage withdrawal symptoms and reduce the desire to use substances like alcohol, nicotine, and drugs. It is an excellent adjunct to traditional addiction treatment. It is also used to support mental health, especially for those experiencing stress, anxiety, or PTSD.

For those undergoing addiction recovery, treatments are typically recommended 2 to 3 times per week, especially during the initial detox phase, and can then be spaced out depending on progress and individual needs.


Battlefield Acupuncture

Pain Relief

Battlefield Acupuncture is a highly effective, minimally invasive ear acupuncture technique designed to provide rapid pain relief. Developed by Dr. Richard Niemtzow, this method involves placing tiny, gold-plated needles at specific points on the ear, stimulating the nervous system to reduce pain and promote healing. Originally created for use in military settings to help soldiers manage pain in challenging conditions, Battlefield Acupuncture is now widely used in civilian practices for acute and chronic pain management. This treatment is safe, quick, and can often deliver noticeable results within minutes, making it an excellent option for individuals seeking a drug-free approach to pain relief.