My Story

I'm passionate about this work because I've faced my fair share of health challenges. From dealing with chronic pain, digestive issues, and food sensitivities to menstrual discomfort, infertility, anxiety, headaches, and fatigue.  I know what it is like to long for a child or to wish for a day without pain. My journey has inspired me to lend a helping hand to others.

I'm here to offer the lessons I've learned on finding harmony again. I truly believe that you can feel better, and I want to help you get there.  


My Passion

I am passionate about guiding women through every phase of life.  I use a therapeutic blend of Acupuncture and Maya Abdominal Massage to nurture womb health, balance the menstrual cycle, enhance fertility, support pregnancy, and ease menopause.  My mission is to provide comprehensive support, facilitating optimal reproductive health and empowering women to navigate their journey with confidence and vitality.


Start the process of getting in touch.

I would love to meet you.

Visit the online booking page to book an appointment. Also, feel free to call or email the clinic today and schedule an appointment. If you have a question, click the CONTACT button to submit a form and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.